Saturday, August 28, 2010

web 2.0

Web Tools:
Google Docs: We use google docs in class to write papers out of class as a class. We wrote our classroom rules as a google doc. Google docs are different from word docs because in google docs anyone with the link can add to it at the same time and it immediately shows up on anyone else's computer. That is useful because we can write those papers outside of class at the same time so it will take up less time in class.

Google Groups: We use google groups for our whole math class. Our whole math class is all in one google group. We are TESAlgebraOrange. It is useful because our teacher only has to type in the name of the group and all of our emails pop up and he doesn't have to worry if he forgot someone. In our google group we have all of our homework. So if for some reason we miss a class we can go online and get it.
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Twiducate: Itis a twitter for schools. It is not public and it has to be set up a certain way to have followers. Not just anyone can follow you. I like twiducate. If you have a queston about math you can just tweet them and they can help you. I have already posted a really cool math video.

Avatars: I used a site called I would recommend this site. It is really cool because you can choose between a million sets of clothes. They have a big selection. You can also make your avatar move if you want. This is my avatar.