Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Adding and subtracting Integers

Adding and Subtraction Integers

A) 5+ -8 Since it is a positive 5 and a negative 8, you subtract 5 from 8 but since the negative number is greater the the positive number, the answer is negative which is -3.
B) -4+10 Since there is a negative 4 and a positive 10 you subtract 4 from 10 but since the positive number is greater then the negative number, the answer is positive which is 6
C)4-9 Since they are both positive you just subtract 9 from 4 which gives you a negative number. The answer is negative because the greater number is being subtracted from the littler number.
D)-8-(-9) Since they are both negative numbers, you add them together getting a negative number. You add them together because when you add numbers to a negative number, it get smaller. The answer is -17.

Chapter 2 vocab

Chapter 2 Math Vocab

Absolute Value- the distance of a quantity from zero
Additive Inverse-the number in the set of real numbers that when added to a given number will yield zero.
Irrational Number-a number that cannot be exactly expressed as a ratio of two integers
Odds-the probability that something is so, will occur, or is morelikely to occur than something else
the odds of getting green is 1:6


Rational number-a number that can be expressed exactly by a ratio of two integers
Perfect square-a rational number that is equal to the square of anotherrational number
9 because 3x3=9

Probability-a strong likelihood or chance of something
imgres.jpeg the probability of getting green is 1/6

Measure of central tendency- several measures which calculate a representative or average value from from a set of numbers

Integer games!!!!

Integer Games
click here

click here 

click here

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Spreadsheet graphs

For the misleading graph click here

It is possible to make a spreadsheet misleading. The graphs I have above are misleading because the y axis starts on 200 instead of 0.

We use spreadsheets in math to graph problems online.